Like all Chinese projectors you can configure a Bluetooth keyboard and add the Bluetooth device to your remote but you won’t be able to turn it on as only the original remote can do this.
Basically : a remote based on a "home assistant" system which is able to interact with IOTs besides media devices
With a touch screen, not full touch screen because physical buttons are necessary
Hi, what about iphone users ?
Can you also give an ETA of fixes and expected features (philips hue resync, add/remove device to existing activity, opened API, ...)
I reported a similar issue but on the "OK/Enter" button :
1/ As long as you don't set anything on long key press, it should work fine or at least it used to work fine before last firmware
2/ As soon as you set a command on long key press, it cannot be undone and you have to delete and recreate the activity to get the default device behaviour.
They said they would fix that BUT instead they introduced this bug : the repetition does not work anymore in activity mode
This is strange because it is still working with my activies set up before firmware update.
Today I tried to set up a new activity and the repetition does not work anymore (even on volume keys)
I had the same issue. I think that the remote doesn't have any recovery mode in case the update fails so you have to prey that the update runs fine. Mine seemed to update fine but it never restarted so now it is bricked. I had to request for a replacement.