• Brummy101
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  • double clicks on Samsung TV 1 month ago

    I had this problem with all of the navigation buttons - left, right, up, down. I figured that as the original Samsung remote works OK, it must be something to do with the signals sent by the SF remote. So I re-trained the left, right, up & down buttons on the SF remote from the Samsung remote. In the SF app on your phone/tablet, go [Activities…TV…Edit/repair commands…Navigate_down (or left, right, up)…Edit…Learn commands from the original remote], then follow the instructions. NOTE - when you press the button on the original remote as you hold it over the hub, press it for the shortest possible length of time to guarantee that it only sends the signal once. I have a suspicion that it was not doing this that caused the problem in the first place with the sets of commands available from SofaBaton.