• Dave480
    • 2releases
    • 72comments
Comments made
  • X1s Info 8 month ago

    Yep its in V16 which is out now on the X1.

  • X1S problem 8 month ago

    The only time I have seen this is while charging and using it at the same time.

  • X1S problem 9 month ago

    Do you mean the remote is switching to Devises by itself?

  • Learn not working 1 year ago

    Try doing it in the dark! I have a new and an old Panasonic remote both will operate my TV (so same codes) but the X1 will only learn from the old one in the light. I have another remote it won't learn from at all but if I teach an old learning remote I have the codes first then the X1 will learn them from that remote. My theory is that on my old remotes you can see the transmitter but the modern ones have dark plastic hiding them and the X1 hub also has dark plastic hiding the receiver.

  • X1 does not store device power state for switching activities. 1 year ago

    That was the setting I was on about. Odd you had it set the same way I have it but the behaviour is different. CEC could be confusing things but then I would expect it to interfere with “Always on, unless the Off key is pressed” as well. But if it’s now working how you want it that’s what counts.

  • X1 does not store device power state for switching activities. 1 year ago

    This is exactly how my X1 works. When I switch from one Activity directly to another what is needed and already on stays on and only what is not needed turns off. Been a while since I set mine up but think there is a setting allowing you to choose how it behaves.

  • Ordering Keys and Macros in an Activity 1 year ago

    You can reorder Activities so the most used one is at the top of the list, this feature really needs to be added to the Favourites/Macro keys screen, scrolling to the bottom for the most used Macro is really annoying.

  • Option to change order of "Keys favorites" 1 year ago

    I totally agree and currently this is the most annoying part of the X1 and really limits the number of Favourite/Macro keys as the one you use the most can end up at the bottom of the list. I think having separate Favourite and Macro creation areas that then become one list is probably going to make it harder to come up with a way of editing them. I personally don’t use Favourite keys but have lots of single key Macros (in a bid to stop them appearing randomly). I’m sure having just a single area would aid in being able to make the list editable. I hope this makes sense.

  • Scroll wheel erratic motion 1 year ago

    If its still under warranty e-mail them with a video of the issue and they will replace it. They did with me. If its out of warranty or you just wish to fix it get some Electrical Cleaner (its nonconductive so don't just use any old cleaner) quick squirt down the gap and all will be well again.

  • Purchase IR blasters 1 year ago

    I believe any 3.5mm jack IR blasters will work, I remember someone else mentioning it, so I think their comment “You can purchase IR blazers with 3.5mm plugs” means this. If you live in the UK this link may help (they look identical to what you get in the box) and if I am wrong just send it back. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bolongking-Extender-Extension-Transmitter-Compatible-Red/dp/B01MT59LFO/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2788LYMN9WPNY&keywords=3.5+ir+blasters&qid=1699296385&sprefix=3.5+ir+blasters%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-2