• Dave480
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  • No Numeric keypad in Activity? 10 day ago

    Not the “123” Icon. But to get the numbers to popup once you have created an Activity use edit and press Key Favourites then Add Normal Keys, select the Arris as device, highlight the number keys (can’t remember if they have to be done one by one or multiple can be selected) and then from memory I think you need to save. Now when you press the button at the bottom left the numbers (and any other keys you selected) will appear. If the order is wrong, again from memory, in edit mode press and hold till they become selected then slide them up or down.

  • No Numeric keypad in Activity? 11 day ago

    Actually that's not quite right. The lower left is Favourites and lower right is Macros.

  • No Numeric keypad in Activity? 11 day ago

    From what you say you are using the app rather than the remote. The bottom right icon is for Favourites and Macros so add the number keys to the Activities Favourites and they will appear. They will then also appear on the remotes screen when the wheel is pressed.

  • X1 with smart tv samsung and cable box 22 day ago

    You need to create multiple Activities. Each Activity contains X number of devises and when you want to use different Devises you switch between Activities. If your “Watch TV” includes the cable box and Netflix is an app on the TV so you only need to control the TV then create an Activity called “Watch Apps” that only includes the TV. When you switch between “Watch TV” and “Watch Apps” the TV will change input, swap the buttons to control only the TV and can turn the cable box off if you wish, all automatically. You will also need a separate “Watch PS5” Activity with TV and PS5 included. As an aside “Watch TV” would be a better name for just the TV and all its own apps as you only need the TV and “Watch Cable” when the Activity includes the TV and cable box. Hope this helps.

  • Switch TV Audio Output 24 day ago

    Your Roku Activity, for example, should not have the arrow keys allocated to the TV they should be for the Roku. Then create a Macro within the Activity that “calls up the Samsung TV menu, arrows left, down, down, right, right and then hits OK twice to switch to HDMI/ARC output and once to switch to TV Speakers and the exits the TV menu”. Once the Macro has completed the arrow keys will be as they were before the macro was used, set to the Roku. Then do the same for your Apple and FireTV Activities.

  • KPN bluetooth device is missing a button 1 month ago

    It's a little used forum that they sometimes respond to. I find you get a better response by e-mail - Service@sofabaton.com

  • Learning commands f... am I doing it wrong? 1 month ago

    My X1 has learned most of my remotes so it does work, most of the time. I have 2 Panasonic remotes that transmit the same codes one it will learn the other it won't. In my opinion its down to the remote design, the one it will learn has the IR transmitter in plain sight the one it won't is hidden behind dark plastic. I have another remote (another with dark plastic) that it will only learn if the room is in darkness. I only have one remote that I have tried, where the IR transmitter is visible, that it won't learn and that's for an air con unit.

  • Assign X1 buttons outside of activity or device 1 month ago

    The trick to achieve this effect is to create an Activity called OFF. The only time I ever use the Off button at the top of the remote is when we go on holiday the rest of the time I use my Off Activity. It turns everything off but has buttons assigned to operate my Air Con and lights.

  • X1S - Initial impressions 1 month ago

    The“Back”button for the apps and normal operation is where it should be, next to the Home button. The second “Back” button is for SCREEN BACK ONLY. I do agree it's in a terrible place but is only needed if you use Favourites or Macros from the screen, I can't remember the last time I needed to use it. They shouldn't really call them Favourites its more obscure commands I use now and again but don't want to get the original remote out. Had it been in a better place I would use Favourites more.

  • X1S - Initial impressions 1 month ago

    As this can only be done in one long paragraph I'll try to help in multiple posts. “(some basic commands added by the setup process were wrong - and you can't delete them in the 'edit' page - WHY???)”.......... They can be reordered and any commands or delays YOU add can be deleted or moved, but if you need to DELETE any of the commands set up automatically at the very beginning you have not set the Device up correctly. Check your configuration settings till you don't need to delete anything then start adding your own commands and delays as needed. This will be what is causing your switching between Activites to not work as they should (assuming you have CEC turned off on everything). I have 14 devises and 10 Activates and they all switch without using Off.