Broken scroll-wheel

Uwe15 1 year ago ⋅ 903 Read it

I left a 5-star review on Amazon a few weeks ago, but now regret not waiting a while longer as a serious problem has recently arisen:

The scroll-wheel on my X1 remote is broken. I'm pretty sure it's a hardware problem. Scrolling down works most of the time, but sometimes the screen scrolls up instead of down. Scrolling up pretty much stopped working, I have to turn the wheel several times before anything happens.

An additional problem is that the light on the remote turns on at irregular intervals, about once an hour, even though I don't touch or move the remote. The battery dies after a few days because of this. I could imagine that the two problems have something to do with each other.

Is there any way to get the remote replaced? The hub works just fine.

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