RajaB 1 year ago ⋅ 635 Read it

Hello from the USA. I purchased a U1 from Amazon. My phone is a Galaxy S10, 3 years old. After installing the app, I bypassed the login but I still got to connect to the U1 remote. But after a couple of weeks, the remote would no longer pair with the app. I got a replacement from Amazon which came today. SAME PROBLEM! So I thought I'd try another phone, a Galaxy M30s from India. This time the app asked me to log in and I did using my Google ID. It installed and ran just fine. I was able to add the 5 devices in our family room. 

SO: seems to me that the problem is that the app, even when I reinstall, DOES NOT ask for a log-in, goes straight to try and connect, WHICH FAILS. Strange. Would appreciate any ideas!

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