Feature request : Device level macro

BiGnOsE 1 year ago ⋅ 772 Read it

Some tedious tasks gain from being automated (macro), but the problem is that sometimes those macros are not directly related to an activity, but more to a device included in many activities.

For example, I have 2 macros that properly adjust my projector for image settings, one for SDR content, and the other for HDR/LLDV content.

The problem is that I have to create/duplicate the macro on each activity to allow the switch.

What I would like to do instead, is configure those macros on the device, and once the device is associated to an activity, they would be available there, either from the screen, or assigned to a button.

Please kindly consider this feature request. If that might help, I've seen concerns from community for not having this feature.

Thank you!

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