
Jenks 1 year ago ⋅ 782 Read it

First let me say that I have over 40 years as a computer scientist, so am technicaly adept and looking to replace my Logitech Harmony which I have used for many years. It should be noted that the Harmony setup is a no-brainer btw.

This sofabaton U1 is driving me nuts :). I have spent hours setting it up to no avail.

My devices - Sony KDL70R550A, Denon AVR-1907, Apple TV and Foxtel IQ4 : I'm in Australia.

U1 say it recognises these devices but most functions don't work.

I have reprogrammed so many keys using the learn from remote function.

I've setup 'activities' to turn on all devices and set things like HDMI and receiver settings. All sorts of problems eg Denon turns on the IQ4, reprogammed keys resetting .. and the list goes on!

I give up and have put it away.

When will the device database be updated? When will the app be updated to more fully support the devices and the setup of activities? Is there a firmware update coming.

IMHO the U1 is an 'alpha' release and should not be commercially available.

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