A horrible piece of useless junk

bigfootea 1 year ago ⋅ 907 Read it

This remote (the X1) is so badly broken that I don't even know where to begin.

The X1 is so crippled in its capabilities that it makes the remote practically useless.

  1. The hub constantly locks up, reboots, or loses connection. Every time you want to use the remote for your TV, expect to have to get up, walk over to the hub, and press the reconnect button. It's literally that bad.

  2. The "Activities" implementation is horrible. At least with the U1 I had the power to program the keys on the remote in order to make it work for my setup. The X1 is so badly implemented that there is no way for me to make it work without enduring ridiculous delays when switching "activities".

For example, lets try something that is probably one of the most commonly performed functions by anyone watching TV these days. Lets say you're watching TV, your show is over, and you want to go watch something on ROKU. Just select the "ROKU" activity, right? Well, this stupid, braindead remote proceeds to TURN OFF YOUR PERFECTLY FUNCTIONING TV before going ahead and TURNING IT RIGHT BACK ON FOR THE NEXT ACTIVITY, when all it really needed to do was just change the freaking input! My TV takes several seconds to turn on and off, so I'm faced with waiting for something that would literally take milliseconds to do by hitting a single key, to almost TEN SECONDS (my TV takes several seconds to turn on and off). And sometimes, it just fails to do the transition altogether, forcing you to go into "fix" mode to say "No, you stupid piece of crap, the TV is NOT on right now, because you turned it off!"

Okay, so there MUST be a way to edit that and reprogram the remote to NOT do such a brainless, stupid thing?


There are so many problems with this product that I wont even bother wasting my time listing them, because my fingers would probably fall off from the literally endless list of things that are just plain BROKEN or not implemented.

The people who made this remote OBVIOUSLY dont watch TV. If they did, this thing wouldn't be the useless brick that it is.

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