So, here is my problem. I have an arris VMS100 cable box. The remote for this controls my guide - not the TV. The TV is irrelevant.
So, I have my X1 programmed to put up the guide - as well as have it control my Roku TV.
However, when I hit the guide button, the X1 will only "page up" and "page down" when I hit the arrow up and down butttons. I cannot go up and down one channel at a time.
I need the X1 to be able to go up, down, left, right when I am controlling the TV, but I need it to go up and down when within the guide as well.
I have an extremely irritating workaround for this - I go seperatelty to the Arris activity and then the buttons work correctly. When controlling the TV and within the guide the buttons do not work at all.
Not so, ony my logitech, which I bought the X1 to replace. The logitech was so much easier to program and its controls intuatively knew what to do without having to switch between activities.
I believe the solution is to be able to map individual keys during an activity set up. The issue now is it only asks as to which device will control two different sets of keys. I need to be able to customize each individual key during setup.