Wait for X1 or go for U1

Webskis 1 year ago ⋅ 5465 Read it

Hello, I have the following components:Vizio 70" tv from 2017, Onkyo SR-505, Firestick 4K, LG Blue Ray disc player from 2016, and a Verizon Arris STB

All components are switch thru the Onkyo AVR receiver.

I want to be able to press one button to 'Watch TV' or 'Watch Firestick' (Prime, Netflix, Apple TV) or 'Watch DVD/BD' or 'Listen to Music' (Onkyo FM Radio)?

I currently have the Harmony Hub with Universal remote but the remote is broken..to expensive to replace.

Should I go for the U1 OR...should I wait for the X1 since I have the above Harmony setup? My entertainment center is 22' feet from the sofa, and hence why I went with Harmony wireless hub. Thanks in advance...webskis

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