U1 - a very frustrating experience

Alan99 1 year ago ⋅ 571 Read it

Hi there,

I make my living installing and maintaining mechanical and electronic equipment. I am certainly not the smartest but I am very familiar with technical stuff. Up until now, I used a Philips remote which has a very old, but very intuitive and flexible software to program. Now that I got an AndroidTV box, I needed a new remote that can also work with Bluetooth. and now I am stuck...

For the last 3 hours i have played around with the U1 and the app and I am nowhere near where I should be:

1) My equipment (LG projector PF1000U, sound bar Samsung HW-F750 and a standard Android TV box) is not in the pre-selectable list, even though I don't think these are very uncommon units. I did manage to train the most used functions/buttons, though.

2) The app does not offer any way to set up a bluetooth remote so that I can train it with the existing remote (a standard Google G10 remote, which is so common it should be in the database anyway). That means, I cannot use it for the purpose I bought the U1.

3) I wanted to set up a simple macro: the power button on the U1 should first turn on (or off) the sound bar, wait 1 second, then turn on the projector. While the inidvidual units can be turned on and off by choosing them in the display first, the macro does not work at all.

The entire app is so not intuitive, functions are illogical and/or hidden, and there is no proper manual or instrcutions. At least I could not find one. And while I am prepared to google solutions for individual problems, I refuse to google every single step of the setup. This should be provided by the manufacturer.

Can somebody please direct me to a solution?

Thanks, Alan

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